Saturday, January 1, 2011

Unified by Another Chance

Isaiah 44:22 I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy transgressions, and, as a cloud, thy sins: return unto me; for I have redeemed thee.

On this day, the 1st of a new year, many people have committed themselves to new year resolutions. I read something recently about the majority of resolutions being broken. Often new year resolutions are focused towards a goal that will change a person. Some think about getting in better shape. Some resolve to eat healthier. While others are focused on new business ventures. There is nothing wrong with any of these things, in fact they are all good in that they create healthy and benefitial goals for a person to work toward. Why then, if these resolutions are good, do many people falter and lose sight of them only to slip back into familiar patterns? As I pondered that question my mind turned to God. (If you know the man I have become you probably just said to yourself, "Of course it did." LOL my mind turned to God I started to think about the promises we all have made to God and all the agreements we have entered into. We promise to live holy, righteous lives. We promise to live in peace. We promise to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. We promise that we will trust and obey God. We agree that the words from our mouths should be pleasing to Him. We agree that He is Lord of our whole life. We agree to always pray and not faint. We agree to give our bodies as a living sacrifice. The list goes on and on and on....

If you just thought to yourself, "How is it possible to fulfill it all?", it means you are only human. And because you are only human you can rely on the supernatural strength of the One who called and chose you for the life you live today in God through Christ Jesus. Yes we all make mistakes. We all have come short a time or two or hundred. I know I have. However, the ability to live the way we promised God we would when we accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is easier than many think. The grace of God allows us to accomplish all that we must. I think that what hinders some of us is thinking about what seems far away and losing focus on what's at hand. We know that God has called us to a certain place but sometimes its hard to see all the steps to get there. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Of course we must focus on the vision that God has given us but even when we are uncertain we must move forward knowing that as we are obedient to God and His word He is leading, guiding and directing us daily

You see every day is a new year with God. But what does that mean? Every day is another opportunity to live as God has called us to live. Why wait for the new year to 'really' get right, as some are apt to do, when God's mercies are new every morning! Every day is a chance to live higher. A couple months ago God spoke to my spirit, "I am calling my people to a higher way of living." Immediately I took the word for myself. Everyday I wake up focused on God and my part in fulfilling His plan, purpose and will for my life. Some days may seem more difficult than others but knowing that its all by the grace of God empowers us to move forward victoriously.

Knowing that we have been redeemed and set apart by God should give us the resolve to live each day at the level that God expects of us. And I think we should learn to live to expect it of ourselves!

Until next time, let's continue in the faith knowing that the grace of God is sufficient!


  1. Phil I am continuously amazed with your spiritual growth and dedication to God's word, assignment(s), and your evolving purpose in Him. I'm glad you allowed God to use you in the creation of this blog and as this forum evolves and the discussions begin I see this being a place to receive understanding, support, and a way to win souls for the Kingdom of God.

  2. Thank you Tonisha! I'm telling you everyday I'm in more awe of God than the day before. He is just so good!!!
