Monday, November 1, 2010

Unified by God's Lead

This week I would like to examine a passage of scripture I came across a couple days ago while reading the Bible. There are many ways that God speaks to us. I believe one of the most frequent ways He chooses is through His Word. Yet another reason why it is so important that we read and study the Word of God. God never ceases to amaze me at His timing. When I write posts for this blog I always ask God to lead and guide me as to what I should say. I have many ideas that are good, because they are about God, but I am looking for God to speak through this blog and not Phillip. 1 Corinthians 10:23 All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient... So out of all the ideas I have God chose to lead me away from them this week and somewhere else. I really do love God!

Let's jump right in!

Proverbs 6 :16-19
These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

The Amplified Bible says it like this:
These six things the Lord hates, indeed, seven are an abomination to Him:
A proud look [the spirit that makes one overestimate himself and underestimate others], a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
A heart that manufactures wicked thoughts and plans, feet that are swift in running to evil,
A false witness who breathes out lies [even under oath], and he who sows discord among his brethren.

Let's look at a few key points. In verse 16 we are told that the Lord hates six things. Before they are listed we are told that there is a seventh thing that not only does He hate but it is an abomination to Him.

Hate is the opposite of love. In truth, it is the absence of love. As Christians we are commanded to love but God also tells us to despise wicked and evil. (Psalms 97:10, Psalms 101:3) So that there is no misinterpretation and for clarity's sake; we don't hate people who do evil we hate the evil they do. Its only because of God's love that we can separate the two.

The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia says this about the word abomination:
"it refers to things or practices abhorrent to Yahweh (Jehovah), and opposed to the ritual or moral requirements of His religion." Many Christians may not readily see or recognize their own abominations to God, but once again thank God for His Word and Spirit that shows us our transgressions that we might repent and find ourselves right before God.

So now with an understanding of what hate and abomination are let's move on to the list. For this post we will concern ourselves with the seventh thing. It seems to me that the first six lead to the seventh. An abomination to God is someone who sows discord to their brethren. Discord is strife or contention. Brethren is not just used in the familial sense but it means from one person to another. In other words discord is a lack of unity between people. It is made very clear that God considers a person who causes it an abomination.

I would like to open this up for discussion. Let's all examine ourselves and our lives and how we might have caused or be causing discord. What are we saying, doing or thinking that might cause God to look upon us as an abomination? How can we change these things? And let us remember that as we examine ourselves and take what we find to the Lord, He is faithful to save and to forgive that we might be found in His righteousness.

I look forward to your comments, thoughts and/or questions.

Let's find ourselves in the fullness of God's love! God Bless!


  1. Well brother Phil, you have certainly given us something to think about. Usually when you think of an abomination you think of something so horrible you don't want to even know of it; let alone speak of it. It's amazing discord is an abomination to God because so often we sow it. When we have been hurt we want to (when in the flesh and not in the spirit) want to hurt others. This is one reason why we should always walk in the spirit so we will not fulfill the lust of the flesh. I'm reminded of a recent time when I hit a bumpy road... where there had been peace the enemy came in and with one action caused division. As flesh would have it, I decided I was going to shut down. Can you say thank God for Jesus with me??? I came to myself and said (in not many days hence) that I wasn't going to allow one incident cause me to be in a place I didn't want to be. Although I had not sown discord, the discord that was sown caused my flesh to react. At times such as this we have to consider the word of God... Heb 12:14 Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord and Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God...

  2. You are absolutely correct Evangelist! Its all about getting out of the flesh and walking in the spirit! I've heard it said, "Hurt people, hurt people." I know we all could share a story or two or a hundred of ways that discord has played a role in our lives. Recently, at my job I was dealing with this. It seemed as if a person had a vendetta against me for no reason. Initially I reacted and responded by being dismissive and sometimes rude. But as I took the situation before God and repented and allowed Him to deal with me and His Spirit to move I was able to let it go. I thought that was good enough. Then God directed me to apologize. I certainly did not want to, but what God did after that apology was something only He could do. It freed the person in a way that I didn't think possible. Thank God that with Him all things are possible!

  3. Thank you so much for that Phillip and Valerie, I always think I am the only one lol but yes as you said sometimes to react to someone also creates discord to further its cause.

  4. Given us something to think about is so true,you know Phillip that when we here, or i should say when i here the word abomination i think Wow!! it's sound so devastating...and when we here the word discord we don't really think that it's all that much.But the fact that GOD sees it as that is another thing in it self. We have to be very careful of what we say,as are words are seeds being sown,as well as our actions,even in the way that we say oh I didn't really mean that.Even if we don't sow discord the very fact is if we don't examine ourselves first because.....He knows us very well,and we know ourselves as well.The very fact if we even have a thought to act against our brethren the very thought,but don't follow through,right there alone we should be concern! We have given our lives to CHRIST for sure, but we all stand in the need of deliverance of our many issues,if we can be honest we ourselves.Let there be no conditions ,or prejudgements in life with one another, and see GODS people as He sees them, one GOD one love,and unity! Let our prayers be on one accord as declaring and decreeing. Amen Thanks Phillip good and very good luv ya Paulette

  5. The point you made about the thought is a good one. Also the point about us all needing deliverance is good as well. We may all stand in need of deliverance from different things but when we open ourselves to God to allow HIm to cleanse us He will. Once that is done its up to us to maintain our deliverance. Some fall into error by thinking the job is finished there but there is always work to be done. Thanks again to God's grace we can! Love you too Paulette!
