Friday, October 15, 2010

Hope for Unity

The Birth of the Idea
God placed the idea for this blog in my spirit a few days ago. He woke me up with words. Often as I am going throughout my day an idea for a message title or something encouraging will come to my heart. I write them down as they come. This was no less of an occurrence. The words Unity Project came to me and with such a resounding force that I knew it was God. I heard and saw the words simultaneously. Also I sensed deeply what the words meant. I wasn't exactly sure what to do at that point. A little later that day God gave me the idea to start this blog.

The Birth of the Name
As I said God gave me the name. When I was setting up the blog I found that the name Unity Project was already taken. I thought to myself that maybe someone else had the same idea. After checking that blog out I found that it had nothing to do with God or the idea God had birthed inside of me. Nevertheless the name was taken. So I tried a combination of things: reversing the words, adding words and every idea I thought was good was taken. Then the thought came to add numbers to the name. Numbers do have biblical significance. I did some searching about the meanings of single digit numbers. Then another thought came to mind, add the numbers 1357 to the title. I searched to find if this number had significance. And it turns out that it does. Although I didn't find the number itself referenced in the bible as my mind thought and was hoping. (Anyone who knows God will also know that often He doesn't work as we thought He would. That causes us to rely on him and not on our self, intellect, experience, etc.)

The number 1357 is linked to a word in the Strong's Hebrew and Greek Dictionary.
The word is diorthōsis (dee-or'-tho-sis).

In Greek its definition:
1) in a physical sense, a making straight, restoring to its natural and normal condition something which in some way protrudes or has got out of line, as broken or misshapen limbs
2) of acts and institutions, reformation

In Hebrew its definition:
to straighten thoroughly; rectification, that is, (specifically) the Messianic restoration: - reformation.

So God had spoken! This word, DIORTHOSIS, was the exact match of what God had placed in my spirit when He woke me that morning. How like God?! He makes us do some of the work. He knows its much more rewarding that way.

The Birth of this Blog
So with the idea and the name firmly established, I set forth to do as God has placed in my heart.

The purpose of this blog is to help unify the body of Christ. The bible tells us in Psalms 133:
1 A Song of degrees of David. Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!
It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments;
3 As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the LORD commanded the blessing, even life for evermore.

As King David wrote these words I imagine that his heart was grieved about the conditions of his people. Perhaps he was thinking about the many, including his own son, who turned against him and God. David was a man who knew and loved God. Not a man without fault, who of us is, but he fervently and fearfully loved and served God.

Although thousands of years have passed we still find there is dissention and division. Of course we recognize this is true between those that follow Christ and those who don't. But more importantly there is a division among believers, those of us who confess Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. How do we expect God to bless us when we can't walk in unity? The word of God came to the children of Israel in Amos 3:3 saying, Can two walk together, except they be agreed? The answer of course was NO. This is no less true today. God is looking for a Church without "spot or wrinkle."

There must be a unifying of faith!

From time to time as the Spirit of God would lead me I will write. As you join me in reading and discussions on this blog I ask that you would pray for unity amongst God's people and for the perfect will of God to be done.

I pray God's blessings and ever abundant favor over your life as you walk upright before Him!


  1. Well done good and faithful servant is what I imagine God is saying. You are allowing God to lead and guide you and are stepping out on faith! Continue to fight the good fight of faith and hold on (tightly) to God’s unchanging hands. I will be in agreement with you for the unity of God’s people.

  2. Thank you! I will continue to hold tightly to His hands.

  3. U.N.I.T.Y- this is a powerful word. God wants a people who are a unified body of believers. We as Christians are the body of Christ. Unity is of the utmost importance if we are to have success and movement as the body. Not only those in our country where we enjoy religious freedom, but around the world. There is so much dissension, strife and heartache because we are not united. So many are persecuted for their belief in Christ and have not the same privilages we enjoy here. I think this is an awesome idea to get started. It will certainly encourage great dialogue and get people to thinking how we can individually contribute to peace and unity around the world. Thank you for sharing this blog and birthing the idea God planted into your spirit. I look forward to our discussions!

  4. This is wonderful I am so amazed at the things God is doing in your life and the crazy thing is not only has God restored but He has done such a quick work! I think if I understand you correctly you mean one or both of two things, unity as in being on one accord in the spirit and unity across denominational divides. For long I have thought denominations were mental and spiritual constructs and it is only as I continue to understand God for myself that I see satan's devices more clearly. Why else would the bible speak on the power of numbers? One can put 1000 to flight but two 10,000, where 2 or more are gathered in my name...these are classic examples. I will agree with you and I can't wait to see what else God uses you to write!

  5. Thank you both for your words. You both have said some interesting and true things.

    @Karina - Yes we must all realize that it begins with an individual transformation firmly rooted in the infallible and unchanging word of God. If we could all find ourselves mirrored in the word of God unity would be much easier to attain. (I'm working daily to do that myself)

    @Tonisha - I am amazed too! And yes I am referring to both of those things. Denominational lines and boundaries have caused much strife and discord within the Church. But what many fail to realize is that those lines and boundaries have also barred the Spirit of God from entering in unhindered. What is the Church and what can it ever be without the Spirit!

  6. Well done good and faith servant! Phillip i am honored that you thought of me to be a part of Unity,as well GOD is saying well done. GOD says follow man as he follows CHRIST.It is sad that the believers of CHRIST are not on one accord,but i believe with prayer it can and will change.There is a lot of arrogance with a lot of believers! JESUS is not coming back for the for the believers religion,or that we are church goers,or that we speak in tongues.HE is coming back for the CHURCH,who is the church.... well we are and most believers say that we are going to church,when the church goes to service. Where am i going with this in all thy getting get an understanding. And i believe that with Unity Project 1357 GOD will say and reveal some amazing revelation! This is going to be an amazing ride,and i can hardly wait! I'm holding on to my seat.

  7. Thanks for your comments! I believe as you do that with prayer God will change this situation. And you are right Jesus is not concerned with our "religion" or that we uphold certain traditions. He said in Matthew 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me... He is looking for a people, a Church, who will respond to his word and his word alone. And I'm glad you're excited, it makes me that much more excited! I'm searching for God!

  8. That's what GOD would have us to do,Look for HIM,taste of HIM and see that the LORD is good! I know in your searching you will find HIM and more! Praise GOD.

  9. Thank you for the invite and insight. Hebrews 9:28 so Christ was offered 'once' to bear the sins of many. To those who 'eagerly wait for Him' He will appear a second time apart from sin. KJV says 'once and for all' we have to get over thinking we are the better child. It's like being a child at home we certainly should try to be pleasing to our parents but not scratching and pulling at the siblings so that 'mom and dad' will think we are the better child. The 'better' child will help their siblings to shine, and I thank you Phillip for taking your part in helping the rest of us to destroy confusion and shine. Our post in life is what God gave us and we should not complain or be exceedingly proud but rather do the best we can for Him and one day understand. Carol Shell

  10. Carol, thank you for your words. They are wise and true indeed. I love the analogy of the child. We should all be as children coming before our Father. And just as Jesus, who is our chief corner stone humbled himself to death on the cross, so must we all humble ourselves one to another in Christ Jesus. Let's keep pushing to do our very best for God! God Bless you!
