Thursday, December 2, 2010

Unified through Praise & Worship: Part 2

From Part 1 of this topic we learned that God not only wants us to be like minded but has granted us to be. This means He has given us a gift to be in unity of mind with each other. And from Romans 15:7 we are told that the reason God grants us to be like minded is to glorify Him. To glorify also means to worship. In order to worship God, His Spirit must connect to our spirit individually. In order for corporate worship to happen there must be unity amongst those that are present. When unity is there God's glory can be made manifest. It’s in an atmosphere like this that healing, deliverance and blessings flow more easily and unhindered.

However in order to get to worship we have to move through something else. We must first offer thanksgiving and praise. Psalm 100:4 says, Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. After and only after we praise can the Spirit of God usher us into worship. This is because God inhabits the praises of His people. Psalm 22:3 But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel.

I believe that two of the easiest things to do in unity should be to praise and worship God. I say this because both praise and worship are focused completely on God. Regardless of another person’s personal beliefs; when believers come together praise and worship should flow easily because it is all about God. Of course this isn't always what happens. How often have you been in a service where the praise and worship is strained or lacking? But God is raising up people who are moving stronger and more fervently in this area. The cry of Judah is being proclaimed!

I would like to share something that I feel impressed in my spirit by the Spirit of God. If you already know it, perhaps this will call it back to a fuller place of remembrance and stir it up more strongly inside of you. And if you are already walking in it fully then bless God that our spirits can agree with one another. Or maybe it will be a different way of thinking about something that you already know.

It is the Power of Praise.

1Peter 2:9 says: But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light:

Often when this verse is quoted Christians are captivated by what I call the 'A part' of the scripture. And it is beautiful and of utmost importance to know what we are so that we cannot be tricked into being anything other than what God says we are and has called us to be. But it’s the 'B part' of this scripture that is the power part. Because it’s after we realize what/who God has called us as that we can do what He has called us to do. We are what He says we are that we should do something. We should show forth the praises of him who called us out of darkness and sin and into the light of righteousness and holiness through salvation by Jesus.

It’s when we show forth this praise (that must come from the depths and abundance of our clean hearts and renewed spirits) that we exercise the power available to us by the workings of the Spirit of God. It’s this praise along with the other weapons God has given us that will defeat the enemy.

So when you are burdened and going through; physically, emotionally, spiritually or however realize that God is waiting on you to exercise the power that goes along with the calling of being adopted into the "chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people." Then he can move on your behalf and I guarantee that you will experience fuller joy and peace no matter what the circumstance. With God inhabiting your praise how could anything else ever be possible?

Until next time keep praising God in whatever season of your life you're in. God sees and knows every situation and it’s your faithfulness to Him and His word that will make the difference. God Bless!