Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Humble, Pray, Seek, Turn

As I was laying in bed this morning I felt deeply impressed in my spirit about this:

2 Chronicles 7:14-16

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place. For now have I chosen and sanctified this house, that my name may be there for ever: and mine eyes and mine heart shall be there perpetually.

If we who are spiritual would know the mind and heart of God in this hour I believe this is part of what He is saying to His Church. We are living in a nation that has been uprooted from Godly principles. Holiness and righteousness seem archaic expressions to this generation. Social and familial values have fallen a great deal to such an extent that the face of our society and families have become close to unrecognizable. Communities are ravished by violence, poverty and illiteracy. Individuals decide to govern themselves in the ways that are most pleasing to them not regarding there fellow man but most importantly disregarding God.

But God, as always, established a solution to every issue and problem that arises and on every level; ranging from a broad nationalistic scope to an individual one. The answer doesn't lie in the world bringing the solution but it should come from those of us who know Christ. The blind can't lead the blind. For this reason the Lord said, "If my people," He indicates here where His power and authority rest. It's in His people, the Church. But in order for this power and authority to manifest His people must "humble themselves, pray, seek His face and turn from wicked ways." These things are not only done for us but for the world. God always uses one thing for the deliverance of another. He used an animal sacrifice for the sins of the Israelites. He gave the ultimate sacrifice, Jesus Christ, for the sins of the world. And now we have been called, like Jesus, to do the work of the Father while it is day because night is coming when no man will be able to work. God wants to use the Church as an instrument of healing and restoration to release the Kingdom of God on earth.

The Lord says if we will do what He said THEN He will "hear from heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land." So often we expect God to give us a sign and show us something and then we want to work for Him. But the test of our obedience, faith and trust is will you work without a sign? Will you do and trust Him to hold up His end of the deal? The word of God says, He's not slack concerning His promises, He's not a man that He should lie, His word is sure. So He will hear, forgive and heal. And then an even more beautiful promise is that, "His eyes will be open, His ears attentive, He will choose and sanctify, His name will be here forever, His eyes and heart here perpetually." These are such awesome promises!

As the Church, the Body of Christ, we must rise up in strength and power. Going to church is not just to be strengthened and encouraged, as vital as those things are. We go to church to be equipped to bring a message of salvation, restoration, healing, deliverance, etc. to the world. But we must bring it in power. That power comes in humbling ourselves, praying, seeking His face and turning from every wicked way. We must realize that there are some small things that are wicked too. Fasting, praying, perseverance, waiting on the Lord, righteousness and holiness; these things release power in and through us. We must get back to God's heart. A clarion call has gone out, the trumpet has been sounded, the shofar has sounded calling us not only to Jubilee but also to arm ourselves and fight the good fight of faith, to war in the Spirit with every praise and while we worship. God is waiting and ready to release the solution but we must release the sound in the earth through prayer.

Cry loud and spare not, says God. Cry for forgiveness, for repentance to sweep through the land. Cry for an end to violence, rage and war in your communities. Cry for the hand of God and His righteous right arm to be extended to the nation. Cry for poverty to be broken. Break the curse by giving to God what is rightfully His. Use the power and authority Jesus died for and stop the hand of the enemy. Use the keys of the Kingdom to bind and loose.

Be blessed today and everyday and know that God is with you to guide you and keep you. Nothing is impossible with Him! Only believe!